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Ashley Schlag ’07

Author: perkinsk

Graduating from Iowa State in 2007, Ashley Schlag has lived on the East Coast for almost a decade – and continues to love every minute.

“I’m living the dream out here,” she says, as she casually mentions working with big names such as Jennifer Lopez and Ryan Reynolds.

That dream career began with an internship for the Renewable Fuels Association, followed by her first “real job” with Ketchum Public Relations in Washington D.C. Schlag moved to New York in 2011 to work at Weber Shandwick; two years later, she accepted her current position as senior communications manager for America Online. Today, Schlag works with such AOL brands as MAKERS and AOL Build.

“My passion lies in women’s leadership and entertainment,” she explained during a recent interview.

AOL Build is a live interview series that allows fans to sit within inches of celebrities while they discuss their current projects and passions. MAKERS is a women’s leadership platform that encompasses broadcast documentaries, web and mobile-first video content, and live events. MAKERS promotes women who dare to be leaders and role models to those around them, with over 270 women highlighted today.

This project has allowed Schlag to work with many high-profile women, her favorites including Sarah Jessica Parker, Ellen DeGeneres and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Through her involvement with MAKERS and AOL Build, Schlag says she has grown to value working with brands she believes in.

“The energy and excitement in New York is incredibly easy to feed off of. It’s so hard to be in a bad mood,” Schlag says. “The best thing is the people.”